What if I cannot make a match?
Playing make-up matches can be a challenge. For starters you need to get 4 people‘s schedules to align for an afternoon. Once you fall more than two matches behind, it takes real effort to get them all caught-up. Thus, the best option is to try to get your matched played on the scheduled date and time.
That said, there are times when a match needs to be rescheduled. Below are the recommendations / best practices based on years of experience:
- On the day or two before a match, e-mail your partner and opponents to confirm time and course.
- If you know you are unable to make a match, let your partner know as far in advance as possible. Sometimes that can be weeks or months and other times it may be a few hours before the match. The more you can plan ahead, the more likely you can get a substitute and play your match.
- If only one member of the foursome cannot make it, the match should go forward – even if it will be two vs. one. While not ideal, if every match that was missing one person was rescheduled we would never complete the season. Every effort can be made to find a sub, but the match should go forward. Remember, it is not all about winning and losing; it is about playing golf and enjoying the camaraderie.
- When two members of the foursome cannot make it:
- If one member from each team cannot make it, each team should try to find a sub. There have been times when a match has been played one vs. one, but I realize that may be somewhat unpalatable. Since both teams are contributing to the short-handed match, you may need to re-schedule.
- If both members from one team cannot make it, the match cannot be played (one member from each team is needed for a match to commence). The match should be rescheduled. If the team missing both members is already behind several matches, the other team can request a forfeit (although forfeit is the league’s taboo f-word).
- When three or more members cannot make the match – reschedule.
Each team is responsible for scheduling their own make-up matches. It is highly recommended to get the make-up match on the calendar sooner than later. Please refer to the Courses section of the webpage for more tips on rescheduling matches.
Should I enter my score into the scorecard set-up for the original match when playing a make-up?
No. Doing so could change your handicap and impact all matches played subsequently. Contact us with the original date of your match, the make-up date and course. The League Officers will set-up a new card for the date of your match. Players should always use their current handicap (i.e. on the date of the match) and never a historical one.
How do I find a sub?
The list of substitutes changes year to year. Generally those thinking about joining the League or those that recently “retired” fill in. As a sub, you could most likely play every week if so desired. Your best bet is to know golfers that are interested in playing and ask them personally – that has the highest chance of success. If you do not know anyone, you can visit the IMAgolfer site and find a list of subs (and their e-mail) under Golfers -> Directory -> Subs. E-mail someone directly has a higher chance of success. Last, and usually less successful, is to go to Tee-Times -> Schedule or Request a Sub. This will mass e-mail everyone but the impersonal request only occasionally works.

What if I hear the group(s) behind us yelling a lot?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is more than likely that you are holding everyone up. You are the slow golfer everyone is talking about. Some tips – stop looking for golf balls when yours is in the fairway, stop taking 7 practice swings just to hit the ball 10 yards, stop watching everyone else’s shot when you don’t even know where your ball is, stop spending so much time deciding which club you are going to miss the green with, or just simply walk to your ball quicker. Everyone will thank you.